Your Quickest Route to VBN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Small print made clear. In the FAQ you will find all of the answers to the most common questions to VBN.

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24h Information Service

VBN information service and VBN service center. Your telephone, digital and direct line to the VBN.

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Timetable and price information

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

Timetable and price information

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

Passenger shows job ticket at ticket inspection

GroupTicket (GruppenTicket)

The cheapest ticket for groups of 10 adults or more from A to B. Two children (6 to 14 years old) count as one adult, young children up to and including 5 years of age can travel free of charge. The cheapest ticket combination (GroupTicket, TagesTicket) with price can be calculated in the group price calculator – this will depend on the size of the group and their destination. 


At least 10 adults must travel. Group trips with the regional bus companies must be registered with the relevant company at least 3 working days in advance or with the VBN (Tel.: 04 21/59 60 59).


Valid for groups of 10 adults or more. 2 children aged from 6 up to an including 14 years old count as one adult.



Area of Validity

Valid in all local public transport buses, trams and trains in the VBN area within the Price Level and fare zones that you have purchased.


Valid for a joint trip by the group. Changes are permitted, but the next vehicle must always be chosen. Interruptions to a trip are not permitted.

The group ticket is available from NordWestBahn travel centers and agencies, from BSAG's own and private booking offices and from the in-house customer centers of BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG. The purchase in the vehicles of these companies is not possible. Group tickets are available in the vehicles of the regional bus routes.